Free Newsletter
The CMVDC Free Newsletter is a monthly email with news about the Centre and the Chinese automobile market, free available when you fill in your email address above the FREE SIGN UP button above left. Each subscriber to the "Catalogue of the present Chinese motor car production" will find each month the latest important updates (manufacturers, carmodels) in the CMVDC newsletter.

CMVDC Newsletter Number 187

Dear Friends,   This is the last update for the ICE or the EV catalogue. Both projects finish the 1st July 2020. The ICE catalogue started long ago in 2002. I hope you have enjoyed the catalogues over the years! Now I finally can take my retirement!In the 2020 ICE catalogue we added all the 2019 production figures of the manufacturers.

CMVDC Newsletter Number 186

Dear Friends,   Still one month to go for the ICE or the EV catalogue. Both projects will finish the 1st July 2020. In the ICE catalogue we added all the 2019 production figures of the car models.

CMVDC Newsletter Number 185

Dear Friends,   Note that from now on we don't accept new subscriptions to the ICE or the EV catalogue. Both projects will finish the 1st July 2020. Those whose description may expire before that date can get an extension till that date. Please contact me by email when you are interested.

CMVDC Newsletter Number 184

Dear Friends,   Note that from now on we don't accept new subscriptions to the ICE or the EV catalogue. Both projects will finish the 1st July 2020. Those whose description may expire before that date can get an extension till that date. Please contact me by email when you are interested.

CMVDC Newsletter Number 183

Dear Friends,   Note that from now on we don't accept new subscriptions to the ICE or the EV catalogue. Both projects will finish the 1st July 2020. Those whose description may expire before that date can get an extension till that date. Please contact me by email when you are interested.

CMVDC Newsletter Number 183

Dear Friends,   Note that from now on we don't accept new subscriptions to the ICE or the EV catalogue. Both projects will finish the 1st July 2020. Those whose description may expire before that date can get an extension till that date. Please contact me by email when you are interested.

CMVDC Newsletter Number 182

Dear Friends,   Note that from now on we don't accept new subscriptions to the ICE or the EV catalogue. Both projects will finish the 1st July 2020. Those whose description may expire before that date can get an extension till that date. Please contact me by email when you are interested.

CMVDC Newsletter Number 181

Dear Friends,   Note that from now on we don't accept new subscriptions to the ICE or the EV catalogue. Both projects will finish the 1st July 2020. Those whose description may expire before that date can get an extension till that date. Please contact me by email when you are interested.

CMVDC Newsletter Number 180

Dear Friends,   IMPORTANT NEWS! From now on we don't accept new subscriptions to the ICE or the EV catalogue. Both projects will finish the 1st July 2020. Those whose description may expire before that date can get an extension till that date. Please contact me by email when you are interested.

CMVDC Newsletter Number 179

Dear Friends,   IMPORTANT NEWS! From now on we don't accept new subscriptions to the ICE or the EV catalogue. Both projects will finish the 1st July 2020. Those whose description may expire before that date can get an extension till that date. Please contact me by email when you are interested.