Dear Friends,
New in our catalogue-on-line: the make Cestar (Zhongrong), asnd the models Changan SC6450, Cherry Karry Youya II, JAC Ruichi II, YTO Dongfanghong LT1030.
The group of manufacturers producing those small electric mini vehicles is growing in our catalogue. We already now include 13 of the most important companies.
We are happy to have a new item on our website, especially very interesting for those westerners who live in China and want to obtain a Chinese driving license. You will find under Free Information- China Driving Test on our site a list of test questions of the theoretical driving test. This list is compiled by Fred from Baibaoche.
Another interesting item is the Crash Tests. Since 2012 the Chinese NCAP tests are compatible with the EuroNCAP, both test the frontal collision with 64 km/h. Since then the group of Chinese cars obtaining five stars is growing: Changan Eado, Great Wall C50, Geely Englon SC5-RV, MG5, Changan Raeton, Beijing Shenbao D-class, Brilliance H230. See Free Information - Crash Tests.
Greetings, Erik